Showing posts with label Fitness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fitness. Show all posts

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Watch me transform my body!

30+ kg gone, I'm not even sure how many pounds that is, but my calculations tell me it's around 69lbs?  Wow! That sounds like more than 30kg doesn't it?

So, my body is obviously a LOT better than it was to begin with, it's stronger, fitter, leaner and 100% healthier, but I'm still not completely satisfied!  The triplets have left my stomach in what would normally be unrepairable condition, but I'm lucky enough that I can have surgery, but there's other parts I'm not satisfied with either!  My arms still have bingo wings, that'll be a struggle to change.  My inner thighs have too much fat, diet may help that, and my lower back still has a small hump!  The size of this hump is my best indicator of weight gain/loss.

I've recently started going to the gym again, and the results won't be instant, and I'm not even sure that what I'm doing is the optimal workout for ME and MY body, which is why I'm seeing a trainer for an assessment and program to get what I want and need from the gym!  I see a LOT of women in the Pump, Attack and Step classes that have all the gear and no idea, I don't want to be one of them!  For a start, I can't afford a different Lorna Jane outfit every day of the week!  I don't have the time either to do class after class each and every day! Some days I can do Step & Pump, but my kids hate the creche, and on the days that I only have 1 child, I don't want them to spend a couple of hours in the creche!

The trainer I spoke to today though said that if I go ahead with more weights training, I may have to sacrifice Pump, which I can live with!  It'll be iPod on and up and off I go!  I'm under no illusion though that I do still have a fair bit of body fat to lose, that'll be done through a mixture of cardio and eating!  You can't outrun a bad diet, and skim mocha's, feel good (low fat) iced coffee and even Pepsi Max won't help me achieve the body that I want!  That's not to say I'll never have them again, but they're designed to be 'treat' foods, not part of my daily eating, and on the Weight Watchers plan, my favourite foods which I indulge in almost daily account for at LEAST 11 of my 28 daily points.  When you consider that 7 of those are liquid points, that's a lot of good food I'm missing out on.  

So, at this point I will bare my soul, and bare my body and put the photo's my daughter took this morning up for the world to see!  Well, at least the 7 or so people who have bothered to read my blog!  I promise you, if you continue to follow me, I can be inspiring, I can be motivating, I can be funny, my sense of humour can be dry, I can be brutally honest, I can be your best friend, or your worst enemy, but I won't bullshit you!  I won't justify the things I'm doing wrong with the 'but's....' I'll be accountable for everything I eat, every move I make, and I'll be rewarded with a body I'm truly proud of!

Sunday, 30 December 2012

New Years Resolutions....

2012 has been an amazing year for me.  I actually achieved more this year than I had ever believed possible.  

So let's start with what I have already achieved:

1.  I completed my first year at University doing a Bachelor in Midwifery, and with the exception of 1 subject, I actually really nailed it with Credits & Distinctions!

2.  I maintained the weight I lost, I managed to lose 30kg in a nine month period.  I've since lost another 5kg, even without exercising as much as I should have, and being as strict as I could have!

3.  I RAN a 12km run with my husband!  It is an event called the City 2 Bay, it's 12km from the city of Adelaide to the beach at Glenelg, we did it on our anniversary, and I ran every single painstaking step without stopping!

4.  I taught 4 little people a little bit more about life and living.

5.  I managed to save for and plan for my husband and I to go on our very much belated honeymoon!  Trip of well a couple of decades to Port Douglas!  And it was an active, adventure holiday!  

6.  I nominated myself for Weight Watchers People's Choice award and in one of the final weeks, I received the most votes of anyone else!  I didn't win overall, but I achieved!

Okay, so it's not a huge number of things, but they're pretty significant!  And for the coming year?  There's still so much I want to do!

1.  Complete at least 250 exercise classes.  Classes, not sessions, because if I do (for example) Body Pump and then Body Balance, that's 2 classes, not 1 and I'm not going to rip myself off!

2.  Lose at least 7.5kg from what I weigh today (which is 82.5kg)

3.  Make it through 2nd year at University.

4.  Budget!  It's not easy with 4 small kids, money doesn't stretch as far as it should, but I'd love next year to be stress free when it comes to buying gifts etc for birthdays and Christmas! 

5.  Have my surgery!  Hoping it'll happen in about February, but we'll see!

6.  Volunteer at Miss 5's school to do 'something', canteen duty etc!

7.  Not take on as much as I usually do!  I'm always the first to offer to have people over, to make birthday cakes etc.  This coming year I won't do that!

8.  Get Miss 5 into a better bedtime routine!

9.  Take time to relax!  I will try not to let the little things get to me!  Let the kids make mess and make noise and be kids, for they'll be this small for such a short time!  One day I'll be wishing I could have this time back!

10.  One day per week of essential spending ONLY!

11.  On days I don't have skim mocha's, I'll put the $5.35 or $5.50 into a glass jar so that I can SEE how much money would normally go on the coffee's!

12.  All silver change will go in the kids money boxes at the end of each day!

I'll leave it there for now!  But I'd like to wish the very few people who take the time to read my blog a very Happy New Year!  Stay happy, stay safe, stay healthy and stay relaxed :-)