Friday, 23 November 2012

Life is crazy! But I wouldn't have it any other way!

The past few weeks have been crazy time in our house!  I've had Uni placement, I've delivered 2 babies, I've had 3 assignments, 2 exams, 1 quiz and 1 portfolio to submit and do, and I've been in overdrive preparing our house and kids for Mum and Dad having a week away!

Little Miss 4 (almost 5) has started her school visits, and today marked the end of an era when she had her last child care day!  She's been at the same centre for around 4 years (or close to) and so many of the staff there have become like family!  Thankfully they'll continue to be a big part of our life for the next 2-3 years until the triplets 'graduate' to school!

Tonight we finally wind down!  Hubby started holiday's at 3pm today, I am left with ONLY one exam to do (once we get back) and on Monday we're off to tropical Port Douglas as a couple while my Mum has our little muppets!

How beautiful is it listening to the conversation of an almost 5yo?  We have an exceptionally intelligent little girl on her hands, and as I sit here typing, I am listening to her having a full chat with her Daddy about whales and dolphins and sharks and how they live and breed.  The time he takes to explain things to her is amazing.  As a busy Mum of 4 doing so much I often feel bad that I don't take the time to explain things, but surely I'm not the only one guilty of this?

When we return from our holiday, and Miss 4 winds up kindy for the year, I will have 3 days every single week until the end of January to spend 1 on 1 with her until she starts school and uni goes back!  I can't wait for long lazy days at the beach, the pool, the zoo etc.  Such precious time that I won't get again for a LONG time!

I really wanted to include the above picture of Daddy and Daughter having a chat :-)

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